Sunday, January 27, 2013

To My Cloud of Witnesses

This morning, I had the great pleasure to read the following at all three services at Roswell Presbyterian Church. We are in the midst of a sermon series called Modern Family. Today's sermon was "A Challenge for Women," preached by my dear friend The Reverend Lyndsay Lee Slocum. I was honored to share in the same hour with her message. 

When given the task to write a thank you note to someone who has impacted my faith, I spent some time reflecting. So many moments, so many people came to mind. And I realized that God sent, continues to send, and will keep on sending a great multitude to keep me pressing onward. Not just one. I can’t just thank one. And so….

To My Cloud of Witnesses,

It is with humble gratitude that I write to you in regards to what you have done for my faith journey. Many of you I do not know. Some I don’t remember. Some I’ve yet to meet. Many I won’t meet until my time here on Earth is complete. But some of you I can thank.

To my mother, prayer warrior and my father, student of the Word, you gave me the tools to start my journey.

To Brad, Christy, Shawn, Matt, Jenn, and Jen, you were more than youth leaders. You were constants in a tumultuous time. You were witnesses to the faith by simply being present. I can’t remember much of what you said. It’s what you did that stands out.

To the women of this church, at all ages and stages of life. You walk alongside me in my journey, so many of you inspiring me as you keep the incredible legacy of this place alive.

To my husband, you have continually challenged me to better understand what I believe and why so that I can share with you. Watching your faith grow leaves me with no doubt that our God is a powerful pursuer of his beloved.

To my daughters. You are still new on your journeys but you teach me daily about real faith, true and pure.

And to the rest of you. Thank you for keeping on. For running the race. For prayers, for words, for hugs, for inspiration.

My faith journey is not traveled alone. Nor is it over until my Maker says so. I am continually learning, stumbling, rising, soaring. My cloud of witnesses is vital to this. To those seen and unseen. To those known and unknown. For each of you, I am eternally grateful.
In Christ,

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