Thursday, March 15, 2012

A collective thank you note

This past Sunday in worship, we were given homework at the end of the sermon. I'm not sure how many people actually followed through on it. But I always loved school. I miss it. So like a good student I took my Bible out that afternoon, sat down, and got to work.
The assignment wasn't hard. We were to reflect on the way God has worked in our lives, to look for his fingerprints in our past that put us where we are today. We were to quiet our minds, push away the distractions, and just reflect.
For me, doing the assignment while AP was out playing with the neighbors and MP and KP were napping was the perfect time. I sat outside, and even with the whir of lawnmowers and the sound of kids playing basketball down the street, I felt quieted.
I chose a specific time period to reflect on, the past two years. KP and I went through some serious changes in that time. We added a child to our family, KP left one job and started another, AP has grown tremendously from age 2 to 4.
Once I started filling in the open heart on the back of our bulletin provided for the activity, I couldn't stop. My pen just kept going. And through the list I saw God's fingerprints most clearly through the people in my life. I was overwhelmed at the fact that God works miracles all the time. He may not ignite my boxwood hedge outside or send a glowing angel to my front yard, but He is working daily through those around me. And the results are just as magnificent. The list filled the heart, then the page, and kept on going. But for this post I'm focusing on the people that came to mind.
I thought I'd record the names. Then I'll send it to them. So they can know that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.
my husband
The Hosfields
AP's faith
my sister
my dad
MP's joy
church staff
Ryex Freshman girls and Stephanie
Hungry Mommies

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Laura! What a blessing you are! Hungry Mommies has blessed me as well. So grateful for God's goodness.
